, pub-7664859611275955, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-7664859611275955, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Easy MOIST Chocolate Cupcakes – it’s in the “box”

I have a passion for homemade cupcakes! I discovered a quick and simple recipe to make the most delicious MOIST chocolate cupcake EVER! I like to keep things simple, and it’s my go-to easy recipe!
Try this recipe! Easy-peasy, just by add all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and ooh-la-la, you have the most amazing, mouthwatering chocolate luscious cupcake batter; ready to bake!

Easy MOIST Chocolate Cupcakes – it’s in the “box” Read More »

Are you right-sided brain or left -sided brain?

In theory people are either right-brained or left-brained, meaning that one side of the brain is more dominant.  RIGHT-SIDED BRAIN, you tend to be more creative, artistic, perceptive, intuitive, freethinkers. LEFT-SIDED BRAIN, you are analytical, methodical and detail orientated in thinking. RIGHT-SIDED VS LEFT-SIDED Creativity, right-sided excel at pursuits that involve imagination or creation, such

Are you right-sided brain or left -sided brain? Read More », pub-7664859611275955, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0