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Are you right-sided brain or left -sided brain?

In theory people are either right-brained or left-brained, meaning that one side of the brain is more dominant. 

RIGHT-SIDED BRAIN, you tend to be more creative, artistic, perceptive, intuitive, freethinkers.

LEFT-SIDED BRAIN, you are analytical, methodical and detail orientated in thinking.


Creativity, right-sided excel at pursuits that involve imagination or creation, such as music, art or drawing. In contrast, people with left-side brain dominance deal with reality and have a hard time using their imaginations.

Vigilance, the right brain maintains vigilance and sends out signals in times of danger. In contrast, the left brain analyzes the circumstances of a situation and works logically to decide what to do.

Intuition, the right side of the brain seeks meaning in situations. Decisions based on gut feelings, intuition or emotion. The right brain goes straight to the answer to a problem, instead of factually investigating it. In contrast, people with left-sided dominance consider facts and logic to make decisions and may miss what their intuition tells them.

Hands-On Learning Ability, right-sided brain-dominant thrive on hands-on learning environments and learn better by working in groups. In contrast, left-side brain dominance and work well by listening and working quietly on their own.

Ability to See Big Picture, the right side of the brain looks at the “big picture.” and problem-solving. In contrast, the left brain focuses on small pieces of subject matter.

Is it fact or fiction, many theories of either left or right brained dominant?  Either way, it was an intriguing to research about the characteristics of each and analyzes what fits your individual personality traits.

*Sketch Art Book

*Colored Pencils

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