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Journal is good for the mind?

The 7 Habits Highly Effective People – Personal Workbook, by Stephen Covey

Journal is good for the mind, a type of meditation to improve your quality of life.  It inspires your inner self to discover a new healing process.  “Out” with the old negative energy and “In” with the new positive thoughts.

An assessment for self-improvement for journal with The 7 Habits Highly Effective People -Personal Workbook by Stephen Covey.  It is important to keep a journal, the positive effects of channeling your daily activities. 


Effective journal with deep
personal thoughts can result in many positive outcomes for improvement to a quality
of life.

It has been referenced to journal therapy, primary used to increase awareness and insight, to promote change and growth, and develop a self of self.  It brings in awareness to set goals, through writing relieves tension and can bring clarity to a situation you are dealing at any situation in your life.

Journal is a form of self-expression and empowerment to understand complex feelings.


By channel thoughts on paper can
contribute to a greater sense of calm and control.

It has been discovered with research
that short-term memory storage is limited. 
The memory may only hold five or six items in our head at a time and anything
beyond your mind forgets and become overwhelmed with information.


  1. Write down your goals.
    1. Think of a question you may ask
      someone, ask yourself the same question. Get to know yourself.
    1. Write an introduction, something you
      want to be known for and why?
    1. Bucket list – what, where and why?
    1. Passions of Interest, a hobby, an
    1. Travel, places, food

The idea of writing is an expression
about you, for YOU!  Start today and
focus on a better life through writing your thoughts on paper!

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