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October 2019

Happy Halloween!

It is a holiday of parties, costumes, jack-o-lanterns and trick-or-treating for kids and adults. Don’t forget the haunted houses! EEK!!!

Are you right-sided brain or left -sided brain?

In theory people are either right-brained or left-brained, meaning that one side of the brain is more dominant.  RIGHT-SIDED BRAIN, you tend to be more creative, artistic, perceptive, intuitive, freethinkers. LEFT-SIDED BRAIN, you are analytical, methodical and detail orientated in thinking. RIGHT-SIDED VS LEFT-SIDED Creativity, right-sided excel at pursuits that involve imagination or creation, such …

Are you right-sided brain or left -sided brain? Read More »

Journal is good for the mind?

Journal is good for the mind, a type of meditation to improve your quality of life. It inspires your inner self to discover a new healing process. “Out” with the old negative energy and “In” with the new positive thoughts.


What is a fluid painting? It has also referenced as fluid art, liquid art, or acrylic pouring. It is a form of creating abstract paintings. The paint blends as it leaves the container creating interesting and sometimes unexpected results.

Thrift Store FIND to Shabby Chic!

The coffee table was a thrift store find, wobbly legs, broken side arm and an inch of dust.  As the saying goes “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
Of course, the table has seen better days, but beauty will be seen through a simple refurbished process with a distressed style transformation. 

Paint your ceiling black – A BOLD MOVE?

The commercial trend of spraying the open ceiling “industrial look” has been done for years and is now becoming a trend in
residential home projects. The most common sprayed ceilings in residential homes are unfinished basements.  The paint
covers the open ceiling joists to give the room a broader appeal and higher ceiling appearance., pub-7664859611275955, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0