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A GOOD BOOK READ – The Energy Bus. Jon Gordon

I am such a book lover!  I can browse at the bookstore for hours and finally decide on a few, well all right more than a few; I come home with a bag of books to read.  As it may have been an expensive outing, it is well worth all the NEW reads!  In addition, to all the hardcover or paperback books, I own my very first Kindle, a birthday gift from Mike.  Woo-hoo, he’s the best!  I have read a lot of books while exercising on the elliptical.  Get in the cardio and entertained by reading.  A WIN, WIN!  For my body and mind!

The Energy Bus was a lesson learned when you feel you are up against a very changeling time in your life.  As the person in the story, encounters major obstacles in their lives.  The base story of his journey of a two-week period riding the bus, he meets an interesting cast of characters who will become inspiring.  It reveals ten secrets for approaching life and work with a positive, forward thinking and leads to a true accomplishment.  During his journey, they help turn around his life, which impacts work and personal life from destruction.

As we all have had obstacles and hurdles to overcome, reading this book is a tool with helpful information you may choose to apply to your life. It can bring things into prospective on your very personal journey to think positively and make some simple changes for a better life.

I enjoyed sharing you my book of the week selection.  “Believe to be inspired,” and a positive influence in OUR BLOG, PELL REVIVE.  Thank you again for visiting my site.  Follow us on future posts.  Check out Pinterest. #bookclub #bookreads #booklovers #selfimprovementbooks #amazing #followme #pellrevive, pub-7664859611275955, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0