, pub-7664859611275955, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-7664859611275955, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Hi Y’all!  Do you work in an office with four white walls?  Have you thought about an office remodel?  How can YOU turn a standard office into WOW!

The office design will showcase a white paint grade (contemporary) style vs stain wood (traditional) style transformation.  It will encompass wood trim detail, chair rail and crown molding.  After each renovation, the office space REVEAL will enrich a room vibe and a shout out LET’S GO FOR IT!

Contemporary Office

office remodel

The BEFORE PICTURE shows the installation of poplar wood for the “shadow box” style.  The unfinished chair rail molding, “double crown” and window and base trim is a pine wood “paint grade.”

The definition for “paint grade” is a wood that offers a flat surface and is free of knots and or heavy grain patterns.  The wood used is a “poplar” or a veneered plywood, also known as a non-wood called MDF. 

The AFTER PICTURE shows all painted wood surfaces with Prestige interior paint color “antique white.”  The office will showcase beautiful wood details with a soft white paint color.  This is a TRANSFORMATION!



Traditional Office

The BEFORE PICTURE shows the installation of ash, oak, or walnut wood for the “shadow box” style.  The unfinished chair rail molding, “double crown,” baseboard, trim around all the windows is an ash, oak or walnut wood ready for stain. 

The definition for stain grade is any milled wood suitable for staining.  It can be a hard or softwood and the choices are ash, oak or walnut wood.

The AFTER PICTURE shows dark walnut wood stain and sealed with a clear coat, satin finish.  The office will showcase beautiful wood details and a gorgeous lush stain for an amazing TRANSFORMATION!


I enjoyed sharing an office transformation to REVIVE two options, traditional or contemporary designs. Thank you again for visiting my site.  Subscribe and Get News for future posts on OUR BLOG. #officeremodel #officetransformation #diyoffice #followme #clik_vision #blogger #pellrevive, pub-7664859611275955, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0