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Congratulations if you are active and have a fitness program that works in your daily life.  It’s difficult to have a busy schedule and try juggling work and family routines and maintain a health fitness program.  Bravo!  If you can do ALL this! 

What do you drink after your workout?  PROTEIN, PROTEIN!

Protein is necessary for muscle repair and growth.  Some believe it’s best to drink a protein shake before a workout, whereas others argue, after a workout is ideal.  I enjoy my shake after a workout!


Have you tried protein powders that have an awful after taste?  Yep, for sure, I have!  There are many protein powder choices in the market and you could spend a small investment trying different brands that work for you. After a few trail runs, I found Premier Protein Drink has great flavors and over 30 grams of protein per serving.



  • Fill the Bullet Cup with a few ice cubes.
  • Add all ingredients and mix well.

ENJOY YOUR PROTEIN SHAKE!  It is delicious and packed with 30 grams of Protein. 

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