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Interior Makeover with Neutral Palette Colors

The creation of a neutral color scheme for your home; people often think of beige.  While there are hundreds of wonderful beige variations available, there are so many neutral color schemes in the gray hues that are a beautiful neutral color scheme.

When creating an interior neutral color scheme, the successful combination of colors is actually more important than the individual colors you initially select.  The key to any workable color scheme is enduring the proper balance of colors.

Cool vs Warm Neutral Colors

Warm colors are hues from red to yellow with brown tones.  Another contrast; cool colors are hues from blue to green to blue to violet with gray tones.  As a result, warm colors have a vitalizing effect, while cool colors are calming and relaxing effect.

Most neutral palette colors will have some undertones of red, yellow, green, or blue that will create either a sense of warmness or coolness.

When adding pops of color to your neutral color palette, your room will look more relaxed if you know how to use cool and warm colors strategically. 

While you can pair a cool neutral color like gray with warm accents; or a warm neutral like beige with cool accents; mixing both cool and warm accent with a neutral scheme could look awkward.  To find the right balance, it’s essential to explore with colors.

What colors of fabrics and textures?

When considering the design scope of the room; the fabrics, textures and accessories are just as important as the color palette.  If you add plenty of texture by including a variety of fabrics; adds depth to the overall design, for example wool, cotton, linen, leather.  The accessories bring in substance and beauty, for example pottery, baskets, candles, pillows, metal and art.  It’s unlimited what you can do to define a room and bring in an abundance of character.

Why is an accent wall color important?

Be BOLD and decide on an accent wall. If one of the most impressive aspects of an accent wall is the chance to use bright and bold colors; for just one WALL in the room.  An accent or feature wall allows you to play with colors in your room without overwhelming the space.  When you decide on an accent wall color; look for a complementary shade deeper than the rest of the room color.  Have fun with your paint selection and accent with a BOLD color!

When it comes to adding color to your walls, be creative and flexible!  The walls can be re-painted if and when the trends and style change!

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