How to plan a fabulous vegetable and herb garden in your own backyard? We have a few simple steps to implement an amazing garden. The benefits of growing your own garden to help improve your health options; for growing organic vegetables, herbs and fruits to your meal planning.
The home-grown option of organic garden vs store bought vegetables; will be the best step in the right direction of a better YOU.
It can be a fun and relaxing NEW hobby, follow our Blog Pell Revive will help implement a gorgeous garden in your backyard.
Where to Grow your Garden?
It is a rather simple process to figure out the amount of room you will have for your new garden.
Not a big YARD….no problem!
If you have a small yard or just a patio area to work with; you can simply grow vegetables and herbs from containers and planters.
Larger Yard area… more to plan!
If you have a larger area planned for your garden, raised beds or in-ground gardens work well too.
Fortunately, there are several options for what type of garden works best for your space needs. It’s all about choosing the right garden; one that fits the amount of space, time involved, and money to spend.
Select the best LOCATION
- Plant your garden in a sunny location; vegetables need at least 6 to 7 hours of direct sunlight per day.
- Plant in well-balanced soil; good drainage for better root growth
What can you GROW?

We found the type of vegetables that are hardy and resistant for your garden to start with; peas, radish, peppers, carrots, cucumbers, beets and squash. We have learned a few tips by adding a few Marigolds flowers to your garden. It will help detour pests, increase pollination and add some beautiful color.
If you want to maximize your chances for success, learn, educate yourself and just jump in with both feet!
Follow our Blog for TIPS AND IDEAS FOR AN AMAZING YARD; discover our designs that REVIVE and transform our projects!
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